课程号 |
课程名 |
课序号 |
上课周次 |
开设状态 |
104426010 |
the role of secondary translation in 20th century chinese literature |
01 |
20周上 |
停开 |
106425010 |
history of technology and environment in china |
01 |
20周上 |
停开 |
305807010 |
ecological urbanism:green and blue infrastructure design-green roofs, living walls, and rain gardens |
01 |
19-20周上 |
停开 |
915004010 |
literature and philosophy |
01 |
19-20周上 |
停开 |
915005010 |
speeches subvert your thought |
01 |
19-20周上 |
停开 |
915072010 |
ecocriticism: literature, film and the environment |
01 |
19-20周上 |
停开 |
915084010 |
graduate education in research methods |
01 |
19-20周上 |
停开 |
915136010 |
social and cultural aspects in english speaking countries: the arts in contemporary english speaking |
01 |
19-20周上 |
停开 |
915137010 |
social and cultural aspects in english speaking countries: myths and legends |
01 |
19-20周上 |
停开 |
915154010 |
the cultural significance of cambridge university |
01 |
19周上 |
停开 |